Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I apologize that it’s been a bit since I’ve updated.  Things are actually going VERY well for little Koalton, and we are getting adjusted to life at home with THREE kiddos THREE and under!

Koal had a follow-up blood draw last week that looked great, and a quick visit to the pediatrician for a weight check and some quality time in the basement stairwell of the medical office (nothin’ like getting caught in a tornado warning on your first car ride excluding the trip home from the hospital! HA!). Koal’s weight was back up to 10 lbs, and we’re headed back for his ONE MONTH well check and weigh-in on Friday.  He’ll also have one more blood draw to check his bilirubin levels again, just to make sure they’re still trending in a positive direction.

Kade and Adry, especially, had a rough few days when we first arrived home.  No jealousy or ill-will toward the babe, but confusion for Ads about if we were REALLY staying (even going upstairs to run to the restroom could cause a bit of sadness!) and some “clingy-ness” due to so much time away. Within about two days they were both back to their normal, crazy selves, however, and have adjusted beautifully to having little Koal home.  Adry is the QUEEN of kisses – constantly wanting to kiss him on the head or cheek. Kade gives his fair share of kisses as well, but has much more fun rubbing Koal’s little head and saying, “I love you, baby Koalton!”  They are both so very sweet and seem to be adjusting VERY well. 

The little man himself seems to be enjoying home life also.  He’s still nursing and sleeping well.  We get up only once at night for half hour to 45 minutes and generally he goes right back to sleep! WHAT A BLESSING! He’s a champ at sleeping through the craziness (and noisiness!) of life with 2 toddlers as siblings as well, and we continue to be so thankful that he is finally home with us.

Grandma Katie (Kerry’s mom) is heading home to South Dakota tomorrow. We will miss her SO much, as it’s been such an AMAZING blessing to have her here to help in so many ways!  Koal will have to learn to nap in his pack’n’play or swing more, and poor Kade and Adry may be bored beyond belief!  Grammy Katie will probably sleep for a WEEK straight once she gets home! THANK YOU for everything, Mom…you are such a blessing to us.  We love you more than we can tell you!  

Please continue to pray for Koal’s health.  He seems to be doing so well, and we want him to stay healthy in general, as well as continue to thrive with his shunt in place.  We will see his cardiologist again in a couple weeks, and from there we will start the process of deciding what the next steps are for Koal and future surgeries.  When I think about the year ahead, I’m occasionally overwhelmed with what I know is in store (AND by what we DON’T yet know or understand!), but God is constantly reminding me of His goodness and showing me His love and grace in so many ways.  We’ve had a whirl-wind month since Koal was born, and we’ve seen God do so many AMAZING and INCREDIBLE things in our lives.  We are comforted and encouraged to know His plans for the next year of Koal’s life are just as amazing and incredible, no matter what’s to come.


Blogger Danny Dyer said...

So glad to hear the positive updates Kerry. Maddie and I still pray for Baby Koal every night...and will continue to do so!

June 1, 2011 at 3:27 PM  
Blogger RB77 said...

That is so great to hear that Koal can finally come home and enjoying it. Braelyn, my 4 year old, seems to be Queen of Kisses just like Adry. She can't stop giving Kailyn, our 10 month old, kisses as well. Glad to hear both Adry and Kade are doing so well with him.

You are so lucky he sleeps so well, considering what that poor little guy has and still is going though.

Moms are such a blessing. It is so great you have someone like her to be there for you and help out like she does.

Good luck with the future appointments and we are still praying for you each day!

Love You and Miss You.
Renee B

June 1, 2011 at 3:28 PM  

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