Friday, September 27, 2013

Keep praying!

We arrived at the hospital at 9am and while sitting in the waiting room, a nurse came to let us know they were running a little long on the first case, so it would be a little bit before they got us back. We waited for another hour and were then moved to an actual treatment room where we waited for another hour and a half.     Around noon the anesthesiologists and some nurses came in and Koal received his 'happy' drugs to calm him down and help him not remember leaving us to go back to the lab. He was taken back around 1230pm and we are now waiting to hear from them each hour about his progress. Koal was pretty sad by the time he got his meds, as its hard to go until noon without food or water for a two year old. He did take a little nap with Daddy while waiting, but he kept asking for a 'nack! 'nack! and I couldn't give him the crackers and fruit snacks he wanted.  :( 

Koal after his "happy" meds

Thank you for your continued prayers. We will continue to update as we know more.


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