Thursday, December 15, 2011

5 to go!

Deuteronomy 32:3
I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!

We continue to stand in awe of how God is blessing us daily and keeping His hand on sweet Koal as he recovers (so well, and quickly, too!). The little man had another good day, having his second chest tube removed this morning, along with the pacing wires to his heart.  That means we’re down to 5 tubes/wires – nothing compared to the 20 we started with – and to be fair, three of them are leads that monitor his heart rhythm and pace, and they are tiny and will probably stay on until we walk out the door! The IV in his foot remains, though it is only there in case they need it, as he’s taking all of his meds orally now.  And, #5 is his oxygen saturation wire, which he’s managed to kick off about 80% of the time anyway.  J
While medically Koal seems to be doing great, he’s still pretty fussy A LOT – nights AND days, and that’s been tough.  He seems to be having some trouble sleeping, or getting settled at least, and we had another pretty rough night last night, as well as a cranky babe a lot of today.  Please pray that all of us could get some rest tonight – that Koal could be peaceful and pain-free and all of us could get a great night’s sleep!
Little dude seems to remain pretty swollen and puffy since the surgery as well, so we ask that you pray for healing and recovery in that way if you will.  I felt like he was looking lots better this morning, but tonight he almost looks like he’s having an allergic reaction to something he’s so swollen! He’s on lots of diuretics to help flush the fluid, so pray that those continue to work so he can get back to normal size soon.
Please pray also for continued healing of his chest tube sites.  He was leaking quite a bit from the one removed this morning, and they have had to redress the area twice. Pray that the leakage would stop and the site would heal properly. Our echocardiogram is scheduled tomorrow as well, so please pray that it goes well and that the results are as everyone hopes.  We will meet with our cardiologist and surgeon after the echo to discuss the findings and set a game plan for discharge. Saturday or Sunday is still what they’re thinking and we are THRILLED!
Again, we can’t possibly thank you all enough for you continued thoughts and prayers.  We are so blessed by friends and family who support, love and pray for us. Thank you…we love you all so much.


Anonymous Aunt Michele said...

One advantage of having a large family is that are so many of us to lift the two of you and Koalton up in prayer all at one time. All of the cousins including Lexy, Nathan and Conner (4-7-8) have told me they are praying at every meal and at night for his recovery and I'm sure will have pictures to mail Koalton when you return home. When I'm over at Char's, Hanna and Jake ask the Lord at every meal to lift him up and help him get better. We are all praying for both of you as well. Love You Bunches Aunt Michele

December 15, 2011 at 10:47 PM  
Anonymous Char said...

As we wake this morning we're hoping this finds all three of you rested and that Koalton had a better night. It's wonderful news on the continued removal of tubes. We'll continue to pray that the swelling decreases dramatically and that his testing goes well today. I'm sure you have to feel so anxious to be able to bring him home. We'll also continue to pray for your medical team as they work with Koal for directions and guidance on what's best as he heals and continues to recover. Know you have so many praying and thinking of you and yours. Love...Char & Crew :)

December 16, 2011 at 6:37 AM  
Blogger Laurie said...

Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. Psalm 103: 2-5 RSV

December 17, 2011 at 10:27 AM  

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