Monday, December 12, 2011

Koal graduated!

We moved from ICU to the cardiac floor today! I actually think it was the best part of Koal’s day, as he LOVED being pushed through the halls seeing all the lights and doors and people along the way.  We’re down to 10 “things” on the little guys body, BUT the IV left in his left hand doesn’t even have anything hooked to it (unless a dose of medicine is being given temporarily), and Koalton manages to kick or pull off the oxygen saturation sensor nearly all of the time. HA…what a little stinker!

Dr. Powell stopped by this afternoon and is still so pleased with Koal’s recovery.  His plan is to take out the chest tubes tomorrow (let’s hope so, ‘cuz they are the most annoying and most painful for the little dude), and do a follow up echo to check his heart function and flow on Wednesday or Thursday. In fact (dare I say it…don’t want to jinx us!), we even heard him utter possible discharge this weekend! WOW!  We will see…no expectations…just sounds too good to be true, and we just want our little guy to recover well. We will then stay for a few days post discharge in order to follow up with Dr. Powell before flying back to Kansas City. We don’t want to end up disappointed if we have to stay longer than expected, but even if we can get home by LATE next week, we’ll make it for Christmas, and that would be an AMAZING blessing!

Koal continues to nurse well and had two poopy diapers today. (Not something I would normally blog about, but this is a VERY good thing when recovering from surgery! Haha) He has been awake much more today as well, and still slept peacefully for periods throughout the day. Please pray for a quiet and restful night for the little man, as last nights was NOT that way, and now that we’re on the floor, we have a roommate, who I am sure will not want to be up listening to a baby cry all night. Thank you for your continued support, thoughts and prayers as we journey through this time. We are so thankful for the blessings God continues to bestow on us and how we constantly feel Him with us daily.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will try not to hope too much either but yes, it would be so so amazing if discharge could be possible! It would be like a whole new miracle!! God is good! Meantime, praying for a good night, chest tube removal, healing of blisters, comfort and continued healing in all ways. We also pray for Mommy and Daddy's comfort. Kade had a fun birthday, I think, and he is even more excited to take treats and snacks to school tomorrow. However, he feels he needs to ask Mrs Donna if he moves to the 4 year olds class now. Yikes. I will let Mrs. Donna explain how that works. Both of them miss Mommy and Daddy and baby Koalton so much but we are trying to keep them busy and laughing. And we tell them that we miss Mommy and Daddy and Koal,too.... they are so funny. Tonight VERY wild. On a sugar high?? Lots of frosting went in the mouth as we spread it on the cupcakes. And Santa gave them treats and Miss Devil Princess sneaked a cupcake while we were frosting the others and ate most of it right before supper. What an imp. One needs 9 eyes or more with her. LOL. Time for bed. Hope all of you are sleeping soundly.. love and prayers always, Mom and Dad

December 12, 2011 at 10:49 PM  
Anonymous Char said...

This is such great news guys. I about fell over when we got your beautiful Christmas card with all the wonderful pictures yesterday! You guys continue to have numerous miracles going on under God's hand...and completing that task somehow with all you had going is amazing too. Your "puppy" was much larger than I recalled. The pictures were wonderful. We continue to pray for you and yours. So happy that the news continues to be positive and that Koal is doing so well. Hang in there, try to rest as you can and know you have so many people praying and thinking of you all. Love...Char & Crew :)

December 13, 2011 at 7:36 AM  

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