Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tooth #2

The second was not far behind…we felt it Sunday(5/18/12), and suddenly he has TWO teeth popping up!  And that part in the last post about being so good and not seeming like it was bothering him…JUST KIDDING.  The past few nights have been terrible, so please pray that the “teething” pain flees soon and we can get back to restful nights!  Koal has also become NON-stop with the army crawling!  I have yet to see him actually up on his knees and arms (like a normal crawl), but he sure knows how to get around pulling his body with his arms outstretched and using a leg for a bit more PUSH.  We’re in trouble now J  

Thursday, March 15, 2012

First tooth!

Koal’s first itty-bitty tooth pooped through yesterday! He hasn’t seemed too fussy yet with it, though, so hopefully that will remain the case through the teething process. Hoory, Koal!! Maybe Daddy will stop calling you the “toothless wonder” now J

Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 months

Sunday marked 10 months for Koal! What a big boy he’s becoming…scooting or rolling everywhere, and on the go non-stop.  No crawling yet…but, who needs that when you can roll anywhere you want?!?! From the pictures you can see his hair is beginning to lay down SOME days, but still stands straight up on others. On the days it lays flat I’m convinced he needs a haircut as it often falls over his eyes.  It’s been THREE MONTHS since surgery today, and Koal is doing GREAT!  We went to the pediatrician yesterday (for the last of the $2500 shots!) and she says he’s doing very well.  Up to a whopping 16 pounds now :)  That’s still 0% on the chart, but it’s a good growth spurt from the 14  ½ pounds he was a month ago.

Last week Kade had his Jump for Heart day at his preschool.  They raise money through this program for the American Heart Association. I took all the kids and helped with the activities, and we had a fabulous time.  Adry got to jump (and run, hop, skip and play) with the “big” kids at school, and Koal was a hit with his scar and stories of his heart surgeries.  THANK YOU all who sent Kade pledge money…he was the TOP fund raiser at his school!

Proud of his Jump for Heart Medal!

One final note…Koal is sleeping BEAUTIFULLY these days!!!! We are SO thankful and starting to feel like humans again now that we’re getting some needed rest.  Now if we could just convince Kade he doesn’t need to wake us up every time he has just gone potty (and is therefore getting back into bed), or Adry that she can pick up her stuffed animal herself when it falls down by her feet, we might ACTUALLY sleep through the night! HA! In all seriousness, we have gotten much better sleep over the past two weeks, with only MINOR interruptions, and Koal is snoozing like a champ! Thank you for all the prayers surrounding the sleep…what a blessing!!